My purse:1) "Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late (and the inside too). No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house."
The Purse (well actually I guess its a wallet for some reason I call it a purse)
The inside:
Diaper bag:Looks like we have Purell, A&D, Powder, crayola twists, two small color books, a munchkin formula holder, fish crackers, Vi diapers and wipes, lotion, spare outfits for both girls, place mats, baby shampoo, a sippy cup(for no spill purposes in the car) and usually a bottle. then in the mommy zipper has first aid kit, small tool kit, eye drops a mirror, lipstick/gloss and my wallet.
My Wallet has the usual: no cash, calendar, there's still no pen, various cards plastic and paper, coupons, labels, license, recommend, pictures, small version of my P.B, and random papers/ticket stubs.
2) " I want to know how much it cost :) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it." The Skip Hop diaper bag was $87 and I don't feel guilty because I bought it with last years stimulus package. I did my part. The Franklin-Covey wallet was probably $50-60 and I bought it like 3 years ago so its really paid for itself because I use it every day!
3) "Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your diaper bag/non-diaper bag."
I tag:
My Cousins: Lauren, Katie, Chrissy, Beth, Missy, Mandi, and Charayne, My Aunt: Cyd and my buddy: Jessica .
My Cousins: Lauren, Katie, Chrissy, Beth, Missy, Mandi, and Charayne, My Aunt: Cyd and my buddy: Jessica .
yay for doing your part and buying a great bag! :)
WHHHAAAAT he seriously lives by you?!?! Umm can I come visit?! I love him! He is gorgeous! Plus last week they had his house on and it was in a GORGEOUS area so I'm jealous you live there and I need to come visit! :)
P.S. I do LOVE your diaper bag! It's so cute!
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