Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Violet 1st birthday party (March 24th)

Violet turned one yesterday! She is growing up so fast. Ginny gave Violet a boat with fish, a captain and all sorts of fun things. She really likes it.

Her party was fish themed. We brought violet flowers for Aunt Mel for letting us have the party at her place. We blew up purple balloons. The cupcake I made look like small fish bowls, The party favors were plastic fish on pixie-stix in the fish bowl vase (thanks Shawna!). Violets littler friends got fish bath squeezy toys.

Here is a close up of the cupcakes

Maddie helped me put up a sign. Nice work Maddie.

Pop came and brought some books which Ginny and him enjoyed before the festivities. We were glad to have him. Thanks for traveling to see us, we hope your cold gets better soon.

And then the big moment! Happy birthday my angel.

I sewed her that little crown. Turned out better than I thought it would.

Violet's buddy Emerald came. Violet is truly jealous of Emerald's beautiful hair. But isn't that what girlfriends are all about? Someone to look up to.

Emerald's mom is my buddy Tawona, here we all are.

Just before presents I had to lure the birthday girl out of the little garden.

She really had a great birthday. Here she is very happy to get a cute bunny card from Grammy and Grandpa (Ben's Parents).

She was surprised to find money inside. (her expressions really crack me up)

Her are the cute outfits she scored from her aunts and uncles.

This is her today modeling one. We love you Violet we are so happy to have you in our family. You are so grown up!


Shauna said...

Those cupcakes are super cute! Happy 1 Vi!

kilaMOMjaro said...
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kilaMOMjaro said...

Sooo awesome! I love you Violet!


Leslie said...

wow! great party!! :-) Very cute kids :-)

Jessica Jo said...

Happy Birthday Violet! Love the cupcakes and her crown! So cute!

Leslie said...

Bri, can I get your email address and I promise to save it this time?? email me at

NW Varneys said...

She is SO cute, and I love the crown and loooooove the cupcakes! Wow, Bri, nice job!

mandi said...

she is a bucket of yum! Happy festivities Vi!