Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ode to Matthew and Dallas

This year I was honored again to accompany the scouts on their winter camp. There's a lot I could say about it. The weather was nice. Yes, this is February in the mountains in Washington. Wow. Anyway, this is really about two amazing sledders. But first I have to relate to you the awesomeness of our jump. This is the type of jump that responsible adults should have discouraged. We egged them on. I could describe it to you, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Who knows how many a video clip is worth...
Our first focus sledder is Matthew Cook. He was the uncontested master of the slopes landing unbelievable jumps, doing sketchy first descents head first, and getting huge air. Here he is mid flight.
His signature move which wowed onlooking snowshoers and season sled hill veterans alike was the "eagle of glory". Check this out!

The second is Dallas Pinkham. Dallas is the enforcer of the slopes. He gets big air then punishes the snow on the landing. The brutal majesty of his jumps raise an "oooo" from all who witness them. Perhaps the most inspiring part is his unflinching demeanor as he approaches his inevitable doom. He flies straight and true. Here's an example.

What really set Dallas apart on this trip was a particularly hard hit which drew blood. That is hard core, my friends.

For footage of this and many more epic jumps, snow (ice) caves, and scouts, look here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

V-Day and P-Day

Valentine's Day came to the Wilson household and there was a lot of love in the air. The day got started with the girl's receiving their Valentines. Ginny got an alligator because she's been singing a song about an aligator snapping monkeys out of a tree. It may sound morbid but it is a pretty catchy tune. Vi got a Valentine book.
Mom made some nifty home-made fortune cookies for Dad. She baked in some warm-hearted, extra-mushy love notes. Thanks to Shalece Fiack for the idea! They were yummy!
For their big V-day date Mom and Dad headed to the most romantic place on Earth. That's right, the temple. We had previous reservations at a nice restaurant, but then we found out their V-day menu was $125 dollars a plate. Didn't see that comin'. So we did a last minute change. Here we are after returning from our favorite local italian restaurant.
Ben decided to not work on a Monday holiday for once. So we headed for the hills to try our hands (and feet) at cross-country skiing. We went with the experienced Matt, one of Ben's friends from work, pictured below with fiance Anna.
We made it up to Kendall's knob without a hitch. Surprisingly the going up was the easy part. It was the going down that was a bit tricky. We'll say Bri is still a little sore today and leave it at that. All in all we had a great time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Birthday/Project Runway Party

First off I need to tell everyone that I share my birthday, February 6th, with two wonderful girls. My niece Olivia who has turned 8 and will be baptised this Valentines day!

The other is my best friend Tawona! We met at UW orientation back in 2001 and found out we had the same birthday and several interests & personality traits. I love sharing my birthday with these great women.

On the 6th we went bowling and to IHOP for dinner. This was Olivia's party.

Ginny really enjoyed bowling! She did pretty well. I was fortunate enough to get a few strikes and beat Mark and Ben. Thanks bumpers!

Ben got me flowers and made me french toast that morning.

We decided on Trophy cupcakes for that night. Here we have vanilla vanilla, chocolate vanilla, triple chocolate (mine), and a snicker doodle. They were tasty. We watched Fools Gold. It was a fun day.

The next day Tawona and I went out to a movie and dinner at the Dragonfish in the Paramount Hotel. It was tasty! After dinner we came home and got ready for the big party.

For those of you who don't know Project Runway is a fun show about designers who want to become the next best thing in fashion. The winner receives a car, a spread in Elle magazine and $100,000 to start their new line. In preparation for the party I gave everyone rules and 3 yards of white muslin. Basically they could do whatever they wanted as long as they were the ones who did it and they made a dress, oh and kept within a $15 budget. They being couples, or teams of two. Ben went to everyone's house as Tim Gunn and asked questions. I tried to get one of the videos of him interviewing posted on here but they all are just too big. All the models chose a purse and some accessories from the BLUEBRI wall.

First down the runway was team Maxfield. Jessica used fabric she already had and lined her dress with the muslin. Her model was her daughter (my Ginny's best friend) Riley.

She did a nice job going down the runway all by herself!

Then I came down the runway. Ben and I were inspired by Seattle and salmon. I think it turned out rather well. Ben did the dying of the fabric and the designing and help pin. I sewed and gave good input.

Here's the back. if you can zoom in there is some detail I am proud of on the top of the bodice. the peach fabric I already had on hand the rest is the muslin.

My friend Cindy made a toga and my friend Tawona modeled it here.
It was Cindy interview with Tim Gunn I was hoping to post because it was really funny and great. oh well.

Traci followed Cindy's Design. Mark and her did the noble thing of making something less attractive. It was a lot of fun to see.

I think Traci had the best modeling skill though.

Ashley and Brandon did the black & white challenge and the shirt off your back challenge. They used a black dress that didn't have sleeves added them. Then made a belt and head scarf out of the muslin.

Nice hair spin!
Mel and Josh, Mel being the model and Josh the sewer/designer were inspired by daffodils. They did a really good job.

Here is a great shot of the back!
Then the judges Micheal Kors, Nina Garcia and Heidi Klum asked the designers and models questions to help us come up with good scoring ideas.
here is Jessica and Riley being grilled.

Our Winner was Josh and Mel they won a matchbox car, an Elle magazine and more like $10 of supplies for their next sewing project! Our favorite model was Riley and she won Tresemme hair spray and Loreal Paris lip gloss.
Here is Heidi and the dresses... minus the toga...

Happy Birthday! a special thanks to Ashley for the yummy cupcakes!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Okay my bag is probably not a cute as most of yours but its useful and it clips on to my stroller!

My purse:1) "Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late (and the inside too). No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house."

The outside:

The Diaper Bag
The Purse (well actually I guess its a wallet for some reason I call it a purse)

The inside:

Diaper bag:Looks like we have Purell, A&D, Powder, crayola twists, two small color books, a munchkin formula holder, fish crackers, Vi diapers and wipes, lotion, spare outfits for both girls, place mats, baby shampoo, a sippy cup(for no spill purposes in the car) and usually a bottle. then in the mommy zipper has first aid kit, small tool kit, eye drops a mirror, lipstick/gloss and my wallet.
My Wallet has the usual: no cash, calendar, there's still no pen, various cards plastic and paper, coupons, labels, license, recommend, pictures, small version of my P.B, and random papers/ticket stubs.

2) " I want to know how much it cost :) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it." The Skip Hop diaper bag was $87 and I don't feel guilty because I bought it with last years stimulus package. I did my part. The Franklin-Covey wallet was probably $50-60 and I bought it like 3 years ago so its really paid for itself because I use it every day!

3) "Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your diaper bag/non-diaper bag."
I tag:
My Cousins: Lauren, Katie, Chrissy, Beth, Missy, Mandi, and Charayne, My Aunt: Cyd and my buddy: Jessica .

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rocking Chair and Quilting

Ginny got a rocking chair from my dad or "Pop" as he is known here. Here she is really happy to have it. Thanks Pop!Violet also loved it. As soon as I put her in it she started rocking. I had no idea she even knew how.So my mom visited last weekend and she made a pad from my baby bassinet fabric for the rocking chair. Nice work mom! So I was inspired by the blanket that matched the bassinet fabric. Using the technique I learn from the three classes on sewing I took last year, I made a small quilt for Giraffee.Here's the back. This is my first quilted quilt rather than tied quilt.

Here is a close up. My bears mouths are askew but still cute.