Monday, June 8, 2009

Meet Wilson #3

So today we had a bit of a scare with Bri's pregnancy, which turned out to be no big deal.
Back up.
Did we mention Bri is pregnant? Yes, we'll be "tossin' another one on the pile" some time in December. So in addition to our relief that everything was fine with the baby, we got some nice ultrasound images of the most mysterious and enigmatic member of the Wilson Family: Baby Number Three (BNT). So it's still too early to tell the gender; Bri is 12 weeks pregnant and you usually can't tell until 16 weeks. However, this baby struck us as having an attitude and visage quite unlike that of BNT's two elder sister, Ginny and Violet. They were both angelic, docile little ladies with round features and easy temperaments. It was immediately apparent that BNT on the other hand was more austere, perhaps even sinister. Look at that pointed nose and haughty brow. And it's not just the angle, here's another picture.

When we saw this Bri and I looked at each other and said "boy". That's because BNT looks a lot like Dad, even at 12 weeks. Will BNT turn out to be a boy? Only time will tell. But now we have plenty of fodder to come up with a nickname. We were thinking Doctor Fetus, but it hasn't stuck yet.

PS Thanks to the lovely ladies from our ward who watched our kids AND the kids we were baby sitting this afternoon so we could straighten this out.


Stephenson and Katie said...

holy cow three kids!! Under 3? Wow you GO GIRL!

Megan said...


Paul and Jen said...

Congrats!! You guys are great! I'm sure Ginny and Violet will love having a new brother or sister. :)

Becca said...

Congrats Bri!! I had no idea you were prego.

Shaela said...

Congratulations!! 3 kids, wow. Glad everything is okay and mommy and baby are doing well. Can't wait to find out the gender - wouldn't a little boy be so much fun?!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the 'scare' turned out to not be such. And a huge congrats from us. Whatever the gender, he/she will be loved I'm sure of it. You all are great parents.

Emma said...

congrats! I'll send boy vibes your way

Gramma Cyddie said...

Wow! Great fetus pics! I am glad you and bnt are ok!!!

Missy said...

Awesome news! The new baby coming and that everything is ok. It would be great fun for you to have a boy this time. But another girl would be great, too. :)

The Parks Fam said...

Congratulations guys!! That is very exciting! I am glad things are going well!

Leslie said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! I love hearing the good news!

kilaMOMjaro said...

Ben, your writing brightens my day! BNT does look like a he...You should post three ultrasounds together so we can take a look.


~Aimee~ said...

Congratulations! I guess we get to be pregnant at the same time for a little bit again. :-) I'm very glad everything turned out to be okay. Very fun for you guys!!

Jessica said...

Yea! BNT is OK! so excited for you!! now it's your turn to go first and tell me what to expect with 3 little ones. Good luck!